Terraform Thin Concrete

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Product / Stock #
A.MIG 2170
Base Kit
Company: AMMO by Mig Jimenez - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: AMMO by Mig Jimenez - Website: Visit Site

AMMO's Terraform Premium Textures series includes a number of different shades of texturing material for your next project. Or if you are just in the mood for a new landscaping adventure. The subject for today's missive is their Thin Concrete.

This product comes in a 100ml tub and as is the case with all of AMMO's texturing products, is water soluble. A fact that came in handy as my sample was a tad dry. I added a little distilled water which returned the texturing material to a more malleable state. These products can also be mixed with any acrylic based paint or other textures. It should be noted that the dried material does make convincing street or building rubble.

I applied a thin layer of Thin Concrete to a piece of cork and allowed that to dry. AMMO's website notes that should you wish to sand these material to a smoother finish, you may. I have found that to be problematic with some of their other offerings. However, that is NOT the case with those from their Terra Form line.

The thoroughly dried layer of thin concrete sanded down nicely without rendering the sanding stick to a tattered mess. (Note the upper portion of the image provided.) Additionally, using thin cork sheet as a base for the material allows for a natural looking cracked sidewalk, runway or concrete slab. Should that be look your going for....

AMMO's line of diorama and texturing products grows, seemingly, by the day and this new Terraform Premium Textures Thin Concrete will add greatly to the look of your next endeavor.

My thanks to AMMO and IPMS/USA for the review sample.



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