TER (Triple Ejector Rack)

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Company: Eduard - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Eduard - Website: Visit Site

The Triple Ejector Rack (TER) allows aircraft to carry three weapons on a single pylon, thus increasing the weapons load that an aircraft can carry instead of a single weapon per pylon as was common in World War II and Korea. The TER attaches directly to the weapons pylon and allows the carriage of up to three of the same weapon, primarily bombs, on that weapons station.

The United States has used TERS since the Vietnam War and they still a common sight on US aircraft along with many NATO air forces. The bombs are attached to the TER by mounting lugs and are stabilized by adjustable sway braces on the TER.

Brassin’s TER set provides five TERs and photo-etch for the sway braces and the mounting attachments. After separating the TER from is pour stub, the first step is to assemble six sway braces for each TER. The sway braces include the adjustable feet that are used to minimize the bomb’s sideward movement on the TER while airborne. These pads are at the end of each arm of the sway braces and installation is simply a matter of folding the pads over onto the sway brace and pinching them into place. Once the pads were where I wanted them, I put a small drop of thin superglue on the edge of the pad and let capillary action draw the glue all the way around the pad. The instructions also show that the sway braces should be bent down slightly into an open “c” shape, however, I never did quite figure out how to do this due to the very small size of the sway braces, so I waited and bent mine after they were attached to the TER. This also allowed me to match the bends between the front and rear sway braces on each station.

The photo-etch fret also includes the mounting brackets used to attach the rack to the weapons pylon and these really look cool when assembled, as shown in the photos. Unfortunately, you will end up cutting most of the bracket off when you go to hang it on a pylon as in real life, the mounting brackets are inserted into the pylon and attached, something that is not possible in 1/72 as the pylons are all solid. I anticipate cutting off the upper portions of the mounting brackets when I attach my completed TERs to an aircraft.

The instructions only reference white painted TERs, however, I have seen light grey TERs mounted on F-16s and other aircraft, so check your references for which color you need.

The set includes a comprehensive set of decals for the TERs with no less than 9 decals for each TER, including distinct serial numbers for 5 different TERs. The decals snuggled right down on the TERs using Micro Set and Micro Sol setting solutions.

This is an excellent set and will be applicable to a wide range of modern military aircraft. I recommend determining what you are going to hang on your TER early, then bending the sway braces to fit the profile of your bombs of choice once the sway braces are attached to the TER, but before they are painted so that they look properly adjusted.

Highly recommended! Thank you to Eduard for the review set and to IPMS/USA for sharing it with me.​

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