TANKART 3 Modern Armor
If the first two volumes of TANKART didn’t provide enough “eye candy” and inspiration to armor modelers looking to up their game, TANKART 3 provides another potent dose of armor building and finishing “how to” and “why to” for creating true works of scale modeling art – specifically for modern armor subjects.
Consistent with the first two editions, Michael Rinaldi provides an image- and narrative-rich guide for modelers to create jaw-dropping finishes and weathering effects through techniques centered around layering and “artistic scalism.” In TANKART 3, the author shares with the reader his latest learnings in his quest to create fantastic finishes while improving the overall efficiency of the process. Notable examples, and a take-aways for this reviewer, are the reduction or elimination of washes in favor of Oil Paint Rendering (OPR), and improving the execution of the Hairspray (HS) chipping technique.
Similar to preceding TA volumes, #3 is broken down into a background section covering foundational topics of:
- Products & Materials
- Weathering Principles
- Combining HS & OPR
- Pigment Application
…followed by individual case studies featuring the techniques on multiple subjects:
- D9R Armored Dozer
- T-62M1 Main Battle Tank
- AMX-30B Main Battle Tank
- F221 Caernarvon
- T-72B (model 1989) MBT
… and concluding with a showcase study from guest author Andy Taylor with his Iraqi MT-LB.
In this reviewer’s opinion, TA3 is by no means light reading. It’s a well-written, detailed, and comprehensive guide to achieving the featured advanced techniques. Rich with full-color photos chronicling the processes and results, and also with accompanying “color commentary” from Mr. Rinaldi, it is very easy to get lost in the depth and nuance conveyed – especially in the case studies. One would think reviewing 224 pages packed with pictures in less than a month would be simple. Not for this modeler. I found myself reading, re-reading, and studying each chapter and example to internalize the concepts and application against the context of my relatively empty toolkit of skills. I say this in a complementary sense, not a derogatory one. This book is just so deep in its content! Thank goodness for the “Step by Step” (SBS) summaries at the end of each chapter to bring it all back together in simple and concise terms.
Along with its 2 predecessor volumes, TANKART 3 sets the standard for armor finishing references, and thus I highly recommend it to armor modelers of all skill levels. For the beginning, intermediate and advanced builder, it provides inspiration and a clear path for improving skills and techniques to achieve higher levels of realism. As with TA1 and TA2, TA3 will be sitting open on my workbench during the next applicable project.
Thanks to Michael Rinaldi and Rinaldi Studio press for the autographed sample copy and to IPMS/USA for the opportunity to review it! Looking forward to TANKART 4, AIRPLANEART 1, and CONSTRUCTART 1.
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