Su-25 Intake & Exhaust Covers (Late)
Two Mikes has built a business by offering details for jet aircraft that few if any companies offer. As I undertook a build review of the 1/48 Eduard Su-25 kit (ex-OEZ, now KOPRO plastic), owner Mike Reeves generously provided two of his details sets toward the effort.
FOD covers on a model can serve two functions, they can add more realism in displaying the aircraft, and they can help deal with a troublesome problem. The engine compartment of this Su-25, while it builds up fully, is problematic. The plastic includes a complete intake and exhaust trunk and the front and rear of the engine. The problem lies in the fact that the kit trunks taper into a narrow tube as they pass over the wheel well and provide a set of engine parts closer to 1/72 in size. On the real aircraft the intake trunk opens back up after it clears the main wheel well to an engine that fills the rear of the nacelle. The exhaust end of the engine on the real aircraft is also quite large. It would take major work to fix this area to make it look prototypical. Rather than take it on, I decided to take advantage of this Two Mikes accessory.
While it is designed to fit the Revell/Monogram kit, I found that this set works equally as well with the KOPRO kit. Before I took the leap, I test fitted the intake and exhaust covers to ensure they would. The covers are molded in red resin so that if you wanted, you could just clear coat them. I chose to paint the covers with MM Insignia Red. I did it while the covers were still on their pour stubs. This was a mistake that became evident when I went to remove them and the paint chipped in the process. Rather than touching the covers up, I left the blemish and dry brushed it to make it looked like wear and chipped paint. I hit them with MM (Model Mater) Dullcote, after I glued them in place with CA.
This is a great and realistic looking aftermarket product that made a hard task easy without compromising the look of the model. This product is a must, whose ever kit you build.

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