Soviet Heavy Infantry Weapons and Equipment
MiniArt is a Ukraine company that was established in 2001 and released their first kit in 2003. They are well known for their Diorama series, but the have released many armored vehicles, figure sets and accessory sets over the past several years.
This set comes in a end opening cardboard box and it contains six sprues of parts molded in a light gray plastic. The molding is clean with no flash, but there are a few minor mold lines that will need to be removed on some of the parts. The attachment points on the parts to the sprue have been well thought out even though some are on the large side. This should make clean up easy. These pieces have a high degree of detail even though some are relatively small.
What comes in the kit is as follows:
- 2 PTRD-41 Anti-Tank Rifles
- 6 PTRD cartridges
- 2 bags for cartridges
- 2 Sapper Satchels
- 1 Probing Rod
- 1 VIM-203 Mine-detector model 1942
- 2 ammo belts with cartridges
- 2 ammo belts that are empty
- 2 mine signs
- 1 complete 7.62mm Maxim 1910/30 machine gun
- 1 complete 7.62mm Maxim 1940 machine gun
- 2 open ammo boxes
- 4 closed ammo boxes
The Maxim machine gun is a great little gem in itself. This set is a great compliment to the "Soviet Infantry Weapons and Equipment" that I reviewed recently and will help accompany any "Eastern Front" diorama.
I would like to thank Model Rectifier Corporation and IPMS/USA for affording me the opportunity to review this kit.

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