Sci-Fi & Fantasy Modeller, Volume 21

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Volume 21 contains 12 articles, 10 on modeling and 2 others
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Volume 21

Back in 1994, modeler Mike Reccia started editing a Science Fiction modeling magazine called Sci-Fi & Fantasy Models. I found these in my local Comics Shop and grabbed them whenever I could. The magazine started out bi-monthly, converted into Sci-Fi & Fantasy Models International and ending up as a monthly release. Unfortunately this ended in 2001 with Issue 53.

About 5 years ago Mike resurrected the idea as a quarterly, larger format magazine under the new name Sci-fi & Fantasy Modeller. The issues are now 100 pages (counting covers) with a sturdier card cover and full color photos. The stories are still well done with a combination of modeling stories and behind the scenes articles. Let's take a look and see what is in the latest.

Volume 21 contains 12 articles, 10 on modeling and 2 others.

It starts with a scratchbuilt 1/48th scale model of the Aries 1B Shuttle from 2001: A Space Odyssey. This model was used to create a kit available from Ajamodels. There are several excellent large photos showing the details that would be useful in painting any scale version of this ship.

Next up is "Going Underground" which creates a scene from a Thunderbirds episode. The kit used is the Aoshima Mole in 1/72nd built up with working features and displayed in a diorama. Once again a well written story accompanied by photos walks you through this build.

This is followed by a couple of Classic Kit builds from the TV series Babylon 5. These are the long out of production Monogram kits of the station itself and the Star Fury. If you have either of these kits in your stash, this information will be a great reference.

Want to know what is new on the market for us Sci-Fi and Fantasy modelers? A one page Product Release Spotlight shows several new kits being released by As you may guess from the name, these center mainly on a certain British series but there are other things of interest.

Back to modeling but this time we have Avalanche which is a short film created by modeler Greg Martin using a combination of modified kits, scratchbuilt sections for close ups, and scenery as he details the trials and tribulations of making your own sci-fi masterpiece. The modified kits look very interesting but the daily updates of the filming itself was the high point for me.

Up next is another classic kit for you Star Trekkers out there. This is the reissue of the K-7 Space Station from Round 2. While we all know this kit leaves a lot from the original filming model, it still makes up into a neat looking display and the author does a little extra to it taking it one step closer to the on screen version.

For you figure modelers the next story is call Chiaroscuro and details the builds of two of the original Superheroes. No, not Batman and Superman, this time we have The Shadow and Doc Savage. The Doc started out as the 1/6th scale kit from Alternative Images while The Shadow is a conversion of another 1/6th kit, this time using a limited run kit of Agent Smith from The Matrix. He is converted using Aves Apoxie Sculpt to make the hat, scarf and modified coat. A Yin-Yang style base is made up to show the light and dark of these two heroes but the painting portion of the builds will have to wait until Volume 22.

Many of you have heard of the 501st Legion. A group of Star Wars fans who dress up in costume to raise money for charity here in the US. The Emerald Garrison is a similar group based out of Ireland. The one big difference (and I do mean big) is they not only do the costumes, they make 1/1 scale props from the movies that they display annually. And we aren't just talking about weapons and droids, how about a full scale AT-ST and Y-Wing. If you happen to be in Belfast in late May, you need to check them out. You can also find them on the web.

Another resin kit from AJA Models gets a buildup. This is the Chinese Weapons Satellite also from 2001. No scale is given but the kit is 12" long when completed. The author deals with some casting issues and provides good hints on how to fix resin when it is warped.

One of my favorite builds in this issue is a 48th scale scratchbuild of the Alien Dropship from District 9. The very detailed story gives you everything you need to create your own except some scale drawings. The finished product looks really sharp in its white, black and orange markings.

The final story is another oldie, the Shai Hulud. Yep, the old Revell kit of the Sandworm from the film Dune. This kit gets the extra treatment to turn it into a detailed display piece.

It was great to see a copy of this magazine as they are not available on the shelves in my city. Mike has done a great job resurrecting this and while it is a little more expensive, the quality is well worth it.

Thanks to Happy Medium Press for the review issue.

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