SBD-3 Dauntless Canopy Vacform (Brengun Kit)

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Product / Stock #
BRL 144170
Base Kit
Brengun SBD Dauntless in 1/144th scale
Company: Brengun - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Brengun - Website: Visit Site

One other little detail Brengun does well is VACFORM canopies for their models. In this case, you get two types of canopy closed or open.

Use a REALLY new #11 blade, ceramic since the old style won’t do anything but bend. Use your favorite cementing method. I use blue-light clear cement, it works great and doesn’t cloud the plastic.

I painted the canopy with acrylic, and then used a toothpick to clean up the old man brush painting squiggles… it worked great. and the new canopy was better than the two-scale feet thick model original, the better to show off the detail I could not paint into place.

Brush painting the model seemed best (for me) and I didn’t have too many problems. Glosscoat, decals, and install the prop and spinner.

Highly recommended for future surgeons, and Brengun once again succeeds! Thanks again Brengun for the review items!

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