RAF and British Commonwealth Fighter Pilot Mid-late WWII
I don’t normally go for installing figures in my models; however, after this one, I may change my stripes and do so more frequently.
Thanks to master Details for providing this excellent product to us. It was quite a pleasant diversion from just slappin’ together plastic… and an excellent addition to most WWII British kits!
What You Get
A torso, four different arms, and two legs in resin. And four different heads in white metal, along with an oxygen mask and hose for separate parts. One head with goggles down and no mask, one with goggles up and mask in place, one with mask and goggles in place, and one with mask in place, goggles up. The flight gear is for non-tropical situations, i.e. standard European issue. This is a mid-to-late war flight kit project; not appropriate warmer theaters of operation.
The sculpting on this kit is exquisite… detail is far better than injected plastic, and the overall final product looks the part. The goggles are perfect; they are set up so you paint the background, and use your favorite clear medium to simulate glass.
I opted to use the “O2 Mask in place, goggles up” head. I removed the pour stubs, installed the legs and arms, and then glued the head in place. A bit of Vallejo putty handled the seams around the arms, (which were almost invisible I might add), and it was off to the paint barn!
White primer first; let it cure, then standard flesh tones for the particular race you intend to model. Paint the life vest, then the major portions of the flight suit, and follow with touchup on the white areas such as harness, scarf, and boot fleece lining. Black boots and we’re off to the races. The oxygen hose end fit into a hole I drilled in the mask and I was finished. Not difficult by any stretch of the imagination, and a worthy addition to my PCM hurricane, which will be appropriately marked in the form of “the last of the many” as a late-war Hurricane, the last off the production line. A story for another time…
Thanks again to Master details; this one rates 10 of 10 for detail!

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