Polish Aircraft (1939) Instrument Panels

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Review Author(s)
Book Author(s)
Dariusz Karnas
Other Publication Information
Hardbound, A4 [11.7” x 8.4”], 40 pages (including covers)
Product / Stock #
Inside 03

Dariusz Karnas is a skilled modeller and amateur aviation historian. He lives in Przemyśl, Poland. He has authored or contributed colour plates and / or scale drawings for over one hundred publications. These include MMP’s Polish Wings, Scale Plans, and Inside series as well as books in the MMP Yellow series: Fieseler 156 Storch 1938-1945 (2012) and Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-15 (2004). You can find Dariusz Karnas on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/people/Dariusz-Karnas/100008987326348 .

This is the third volume of the “Inside” series of books featuring the instrument panels of various Polish WWII aircraft. MMP Books previously released Vol 1 which covered the Bf-109F-4, Bf-110E, Fi-156 Storch, Fw-190A-3, Hs-123, and the Ju-88A-4. Volume 2 featured the Bf-109E, Me-262A, Ju-87A, He-111, Hs-126 and the Do-17.

As in the previous volumes, there are two characteristics that make this book very useful to modelers. First, the entire instrument panel for each of the six aircraft featured is provided in full color. Secondly, every single instrument seen in the panel illustration is also shown in a separate color drawing. These drawings are quite large and are close to “actual size” of the instrument face and bezel. The detail offered by this MMP book will guide the modeler who wants to create a more accurate and highly detailed instrument panel than is offered by kit decals. I can easily see this level of detail being applied to a scratch built panel to accompany the ¼ scale kit of the Bf 110 Instrument Panel that was released by Eduard.

The Table of Contents includes the following sections:

  • Introduction
  • PZL P.11C [Page 5]
  • PZL.37 Loś [Page 12]
  • PZL.23 Karaś [Page 19]
  • Lublin R-XIIIG [Page 26]
  • RWD-14 Czapla
  • PWS-26 [Page 36]

Dariusz Karnas have delivered superb artwork with clear and concise text. I counted 26 black and white photographs, 3 color photographs, and 82 color drawings.

My thanks to Mushroom Model Publications and IPMS/USA for the chance to review this great book.

Highly recommended!

Front Cover


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