P-47D Bubbletop "Tarheel Hal"

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Company: Hasegawa - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Hobbico

This is a ‘teaser’ or preview of a full-length article to be published in the IPMS/USA Journal and in the IPMS/USA review website at a later date.

Hasegawa’s rendering of the P-47D Bubbletop in 1/32 scale is impressive, both in size as well as in engineering of the kit. It provides you with 169 parts including optional clear parts for an open or closed canopy. Parts are free of flash without ejector pin marks in any external surface. The final size of the completed model is 346 mm length by 392.5 mm wide. You better make sure it will fit your shelf or display case before you buy it.

Some of the best engineering features of this kit include main wing spars and interlocking tabs for the tail surfaces. That would help ensure perfect alignment of the wings and horizontal tail surfaces to the fuselage. In a model with a wingspan of over 1 foot, it is a very nice feature to have.

The engineering of the kit is such that cockpit and engine alignment are also ensured by using interlocking and keyed parts. Both the engine and the cockpit are very nicely molded and, with careful painting and dry-brushing, it would look great out-of-the-box. I’ve decided to add some aftermarket and scratch-built wiring to the kit, though, as reflected in some of the pictures.

The cowling is a bit difficult to put together but that will be described and explained in the upcoming full length article. Fit of the wings to the fuselage is outstanding. Fit of the flaps to the wings is perfect.

Hasegawa has delivered what we modelers expect from them: a great kit. An averaged experienced modeler can create an outstanding model out of it. For those who enjoy super detailing, this kit provides a sound and solid canvas to express your creativity.

Recommended to everyone except the most novice modeler. I would like to thank Hobbico, Hasegawa USA, and IPMS/USA for the review kit.

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