Napoleon's Army 1790 - 1815

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Lucien Rousselot
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Hardcover, 400 pages, full color illustrations throughout
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Company: Casemate Publishers - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Casemate Publishers - Website: Visit Site

As a painter of military miniatures I welcome any new book on uniforms. Since my field of interest is the Napoleonic Era, this book by Casemate was most welcome. When John Noack offered it, I jumped at the chance to review it. I was not aware that it was written by the most renowned expert on the uniforms and history of the Napoleonic Era.

When I fist started painting figures of the Napoleonic period, I was taken by the beautiful prints by Lucien Rousselot. At that time they were very expensive and I could only afford a few. Now Casemate has chosen to print all of his works in one book. To someone like me, it was like finding the Holy Grail.

The book in s very large format (11.75” x 8.25”) hardcover book printed on beautiful glossy paper stock. It even has place markers.

This book is broken down into many sections showing the Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery Staff, Marines, Imperial Guard, Aux Corps and many more.

As an example, The Cavalry is broken down into Hussars, Light Horse Lancers, Dragoons, Chasseurs of the Line, Cuirassiers, and Carabiniers. Furthermore each is broken down into details such as general details, enlisted men, officers and each individual regiments.

The color prints are exquisite in beautiful color and in perfect registration. The descriptions of each article of clothing for every soldier and his equipment are detailed in wonderful English (probably translated from the original French).

I cannot fully express my amazement at this wonderful book. This is what I have waited all my life for and I am grateful to John Noack for giving it to me to review and Casemate for making it available to IPMS.

The color prints in this review are only a small sample of what is included in the 400 pages. I would recommend this book very highly not just for figure painters as myself, but as a wonderful history of a very special time in the past.

Thank-you to Casemate Publishing and IPMS/USA for this opportunity to review this book.

Book cover


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