Model T 1917 Ambulance

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Company: ICM - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: ICM - Website: Visit Site

The Model T Ford was one of the most produced vehicles of the pre-WWI and WWI eras. The basic frame was highly adaptable to numerous roles. One of the more important roles was that of ambulances, especially for the war effort. 4,362 Model T ambulances were shipped to Europe, with most serving in France.

This model, in 1/35th scale, is manufactured by ICM and contains 88 parts total, with 9 crystal-clear parts. The parts are crisply molded as well, and I was surprised that the wheels and spokes didn’t have any flash, and the mold lines are straight down the middle of the tires. A word of caution: There are quite a few tiny parts in this kit that can easily be eaten by the notorious Carpet Monster!

My biggest issue with this model concerns the engine, radiator, and the two-part hood. I highly recommend taping down the cab floor and using that as the start of the front end. You will need to tape together the two hood halves, and then locate the radiator onto the frame, with the radiator up against the ends of the hood. I also recommend painting the radiator, engine, driveshaft, and suspension before assembly, as it is nearly impossible to paint them after they’re glued into place.

Once the radiator is located and glued into place, fit check the basic engine block to the frame after completing Step 03. The gearbox did not sit squarely on its locator tabs. I also recommend gluing most of the plumbing into place on the engine block and saving gluing of the two hoses for the radiator until after the engine is glued in place.

Most of the rest of the assembly went smoothly, with several notable exceptions. In steps 19 and 20, don’t sand off the locator tabs on the bottom of parts A-8 and A-16. They can easily be mistaken for sprue ends. The same goes for part A-7, and the sprue ends have to be sanded flush or the part won’t properly fit.

Overall, I found this kit to be (mostly) enjoyable, with a few minor problems. Many thanks to ICM for providing my sample kit.

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Submitted by Timothy Moran (not verified) on Sun, 2024-10-20 17:34


I built this model last year, 2023, and it was an absolute pleasure to make.

I had no fit issues, and the instructions were simple to follow and straightforward.


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