Model Art Modeling Magazine, #802, August 2010
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No. 802, 2010 August
Company: Model Art - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Model Art - Website: Visit Site
This is a very nice slick covered magazine, but if you want to read it, you better know Japanese. It contains a lot of visual information for the modeler. All the pictures are clear and high resolution, even the multitude of advertisements. This issue deals mainly with aircraft with some auto, armor and ship articles.
This edition’s articles are:
- Page 5, A build article of the Hasegawa 1/48th F-22 Raptor. It covers the first nine pages of the magazine.
- Page 14, A four page build article of the AFV Club 1/48th Northrop F-5E Tiger.
- Page 18, A two page spread of applying decals.
- Page 20, A six page article on painting the Tamiya 1/48th F-16C Aggressor.
- Page 26, A four page article covering the F-22 Raptor with photos of the real plane.
- Page 30, A three page article of the F-16C Aggressor with photos of the actual plane.
- Page 31, Pictures of what appears to be an air show.
- Page 34, A two page article with photos of the X-29.
- Page 36, A two page article of the Mig 23MF.
- Page 38, A eight page build article of the Kinetic 1/48th E2C Hawkeye.
- Page 44, A four page article on painting and decaling the X-29.
- Page 45, A five page article on the Trumpeter 1/32nd Mig 23MF.
- Page 55, A one page article on making your own decals.
- Page 56, A one page review of Mr. Color (thinner?), Reek Off, Mr. Paint Remover and another product that appears to be a paint remover.
- Page 57, Photographs of the parts trees of the before mentioned aircraft models.
- Page 58, A four page article of the 1/700th IJN Ryugo with photos of the actual ship.
- Page 72, A four page photo spread of what appears to be the JASDF Demonstration Team at an air show in 2010.
- Page 79, Photo coverage of the new Dragon 1/350 Scharnhorst kit as a manufacturers display kit.
- Page 80, A two page spread of drawings of IJA/N aircraft landing gear.
- Page 82, A five page kit review of the Wingnuts 1/32nd Albatros D.Va.
- Page 87, A five page kit review of the Roden 1/48 AU-23A Peacemaker.
- Page 92, A five page kit review of the Dragon 1/35th Panzer IIIF.
- Page 97, A four page kit review of the Tamiya 1/24th Aston Martin DBS.
- Page 100, A four page kit review of the Bronco Chinese Beiyang Fleet Flagship, Battleship “Ting Yuen”.
- Page 104, A four page kit review and two page kit modification with diorama of the Tamiya 1/35th British Light Utility Car, 10HP “Tilly”.
- Page 111, A five page article on S. Kitazawa’s Neo Historic Garage of the Honda Prelude 4WS.
- Page 132, A two page spread of book reviews.
I’m sure this series would sell if they were to put out an English version or had some of the photos captioned in English. We thank Model Art Publishers for providing this copy for review.

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