Model Art Japan - German AFV Database #2

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160 pages, softbound, color pictures, all text in Japanese
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Company: Model Art - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Model Art - Website: Visit Site

Model Art is a Japanese publication that specializes in different aspects of plastic modelling. They have a monthly publication that covers all different genres, but also they publish special issues focusing on a specific topic. In this case the issue is part of a series known as “German AFV Database”.

This issue in particular covers many (if not all) the different AFV that were based on the Panzer IV and the Panzer 38(t) chassis -that have ever been kitted in 1/35 scale.

Be aware that all the text in this special issue is in Japanese. Still the pictures are pretty self-explanatory, including pictures of the model box art plus the sprues of the kit. If you install Google Translate in your smartphone, you can get a machine-based translation for the images captions by simply taking a picture of them.

In addition to the pictures of the available kits, there are pictures of finished kits, some of them even in a diorama setting. These kits have been finished by expert modelers and they are certainly worth admiring and studying from.

Recommended to modelers of all levels.

I would like to thank Model Art Japan and IPMS/USA for the review sample.

Front Cover


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