MiG-21 PF, PFM Pitot Tube

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Company: Master Model - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Master Model - Website: Visit Site

One of my favorite aircraft to model is the MiG-21. The airplane was the most important fighter of the old Soviet Union for many years and was exported virtually around the world. The number of interesting color schemes abounds.

We have all seen a great number of reviews of impressive parts from Master Model and have purchased a few, so I jumped at the chance to review their new MiG-21 Pitot Tubes. The subject of this review is a solid, milled replacement for the plastic pitot tubes from Fishbed D and F models. These MiG-21 PF and PFM models were a part of the second generation Fishbeds and were widely exported.

The attached photo shows a comparison of the Master Models part against an old Airfix MiG-21 model. A day and night difference. The instruction sheet does a great job of showing how to modify the kit to accept the Master Model part, how to align the new part, and how to paint it.

These parts are highly recommended and will greatly improve the appearance of any of the noted MiG-21 models. A big thanks to Master Model for supplying the sample and to IPMS for allowing me to do this review.

Parts Package


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