Metal Fence

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Company: MiniArt - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: MRC - Website: Visit Site

This kit consists of 4 identical sprues molded in light grey styrene and containing 140 parts and a double-sided instruction sheet, which is vital, since the kit has so many options.

4 different configurations of fence and gate options are given in the instructions, but you can make any combination of those options with the available parts. I would highly recommend studying the rear of the box art and the instruction sheet to get the most out of this versatile kit.

Absolutely no flash or warpage was present on any of the parts, which is typical of Miniart's excellent injection molding process. Very fine mold lines are present, and they are quite noticeable on the rounded parts, so a thorough sanding of every piece is highly recommended for the best finish.

I built my fence section as a custom configuration of two huge gates. I wanted mine to have even more of an authoritarian look to it, so I added a two-headed eagle (aquilla) that I cut from .010" styrene sheet with a Cricut machine and I added some rivets from 1mm styrene rod to the kickplates on the gates.

Painting was quite simple, flat black rattlecan primer, then 2 drybrushes of black-grey lightened with each coat. I used Vallejo acrylics. No painting color suggestions are provided, but really aren't needed. After the dull black-grey paintjob, I added some textured paint to the base, and used a mix of 18 gauge wire and PE brass ivy from the Warhammer basing kit to give the ivy the appearance of growing up the fence. I did this purely to give it a nice leafy green contrast color to the dull grey. My fence is based on L-shaped wooden stir sticks, and I added spots of Citadel Glade Grass static grass.

Overall, this is a great kit. I would highly recommend it to any modeler, regardless of skill level, since the parts are so universal you really cannot build this kit incorrectly. However, if you want to make a bigger fence, more than one kit will be required.

Many thanks go to MRC and IPMS/USA for the sample kit.

Box Art


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