Messerschmitt Me 262 A-1a

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Company: Revell - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Revell - Website: Visit Site

This kit brings back some memories! As model builders, we all remember certain events in our model building history that bring back memories (good or bad) that have influenced our personal model building pastime. This kit, under the Monogram Moniker, was my first attempt at finishing a kit other than OOTB. I used a heated straight pin (under my Dad’s watchful eye) and made bullet strafe marks through the plastic engine nacelle (the one that had the engine in it and the rear fuselage. Of course I now know that it wasn’t accurate but it was a step at making me a better and more interesting model builder.

Monogram first released this kit way back in the day. Under the Monogram name it went through several box art changes. There were also several decal changes. The original 1978 release allowed for the marking of five different aircraft. It was also molded in green styrene. Very little has changed since 1978. The Revell re-release still has only 87 parts now molded in grey and six in clear. The decal sheet allows for decaling four different Swallows in Europe during 1944-1945.

The sprues are not lettered and with only 87 parts should not be hard to follow. Revell packed the clear sprue separately and all the other sprues are bagged together. The figure sprue was bagged and then put with the other sprues and rebagged. The Instruction manual is really nice. It is 16 pages long and quite impressive. The painting chart has nothing but the base color called out. No brand names used here. Pages three and four call out all the parts included in the kit and what they are. Something I miss from the old Italeri/Testors days. Pages 14 and 15 are painting and marking schemes and page 16 has a separate stencil placement and RLM colors called out for painting. Something I thought very strange and welcomed was the addition of the Swastika decals. They are complete and not segmented as I have seen in other releases. I wonder if these kits are imported to Germany or if they use different decal sheets if they do.

Looking over the sprues show no excess plastic or any telltale signs of this kit suffering from it’s age. Definitely a contrast to the Glitter Bug I recently reviewed. Not sure why. I personally believe this is the typical Aircraft Modelers Rule the World issue! You know…..Revell took better care of the molds or have better quality control standards because this is an AIRCRAFT model. Just something I have come to understand as I do not model aircraft. No hit on Revell at all. Just the facts of the model building Universe. I also noticed the kit still has the clear heavy tail support. Make sure you add those weights inside the nose wheel area so you will not have to resort to using this. Even I know the Luftwaffe never made this as an option.

This is definitely a kit designed for the beginner modeler to cut their teeth on as a first glue kit. With it’s limited number of parts and excellent quality of molding, it stands up to some of the more recent releases of this airplane. With a $21.00 price tag it is also a great value for the money.

I would like to thank Revell for re-releasing and providing this kit for review. This is another oldie that really has stood the test of time and would make for a fun build. Support your local hobby shop and swing in and pick up one of these Oldies but Goldies.

Box Art


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