Messerschmitt Bf-109G with DB605A Engine
This is volume one in the Yellow Series from MMP. The DB-605A engine powered the majority of Bf-109G variants from the dash 1 through the dash 8 and including the dash 14 and two seat trainer variant converted from earlier G models, the dash 12. Many modifications were made over the G series production after its introduction in 1942. The Bf-109G served in Romania, Finland, Italy, Bulgaria, Switzerland and Hungary besides Germany during WWII.
The book is laid out into 19 sections with coverage for each main production variants, tropical conversions, factory and filed modifications, reconnaissance versions and those assembled in Romania. A brief three page technical description and flight performance follows the main text body. The G models maximum speed at altitude varied from 347MPH to 405MPH. These speeds are compared with other fighters showing the 109G to be faster than theYak-3, A6M and Spitfire MK.IX and slower than the P-71 and P-47.
The highlight of the book, for me at least is the 71 pages of color detail photographs of various restored flying and museum examples. Every detail is displayed in living color along with some B7W manual and period photos. There are also some very nice 1/48 scale plans as well. The book concludes with 27 color profiles
This is an interesting book full of details that will provide hours of modeling joy for the super detailer, but also to the average modeler and aviation buff alike! It provides you with a detailed journey from design through to use. This is a large book with a wealth of information. MMP never fails to impress with the quality of their publications and this one lives up to their reputation! I can recommend it to all modelers, aviation buffs and WWII& aviation historians alike. You will not be disappointed!
Our thanks to Mushroom Model Publications for the review copy and my thanks to IPMS/USA for the review opportunity

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