ME 328A Pulse Jet Fighter
Editor’s note: “Luft ‘46” are hypothetical Luftwaffe aircraft which may have been available had the war continued into 1946 and beyond. They are broad-brush extrapolations and probably not connected to reality.
This is an in-box review of this hypothetical German fighter from Encore.
First up is the box with great artwork on the front. It shows pictures of the model with alternate paint schemes on the back. Encore has been doing a lot lately, and this kit shows it! The instruction sheet is well done, and it is both informative and easy to follow. It shows potential pitfalls during the build, though I do not anticipate any.
While the plastic is nicely scribed 9 of the 16 pieces are not used. Those used are complemented by additional parts made in cream-colored resin, including pulse jet engines; cockpit; nose-guns, tail surfaces, and ailerons. There are 21 resin parts in all, as well as your choice of a vacuformed or an injection plastic canopy.
Numerous hypothetical paint schemes are possible. All of the suggested colors have FS numbers and no paint brand call-outs. It's easy if you have ever done German camouflage though! Use your imagination. A separate painting guide shows what-ifs. The decals from Aeromaster are outstanding. A big thank you goes out to Squadron for supplying the kit to IPMS/USA for review!

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