Me-109 Exhausts and P-38 Turbo Supercharger Covers

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Review Author(s)
Product / Stock #
48-375 Me-109E, 48-369 P-38 Turbo Supercharger
Base Kit
Me-109E exhausts (Airfix 1/48th), P-38 Turbo Supercharger Covers (Hasegawa 1/48th)
Company: Quickboost - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Aires Hobby Models - Website: Visit Site

The seemingly never ending list of top quality aftermarket items from this company continues to grow even larger. It has become a foregone conclusion with these folks that excellence is alive and well at this company. As always, beautifully cast in flawless grey resin and are engineered as “drop in” parts to replace the kit items. Again many thanks to the Quickboost people and IPMS/USA for the review samples. Visit their website for these and other excellent products.

Highly recommended

Kitsets packaging


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