LAU-129 Missile Launcher for F-16

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Base Kit
Tamiya 1/48th Scale F-16
Company: Fab Scale
Provided by: Fab Scale

A new set of 3D printed F-16 LAU-129 Missile Launcher in 1/48th scale (4 pieces) is provided by Fab Scale for the Tamiya kit. This is a drop-in replacement for the Tamiya kit for launchers that hold AIM-9 Sidewinders or AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles.

Note: There is no official website for Fab Scale, a business card was inside the box referencing

In The Package & Product Notes

The sample review I received came in a small plastic box wrapped in a Ziploc bag and surrounded by foam.

There are four (4) 3D printed LAU-129 missile launchers printed with pink salmon colored resin. These parts can replace C28 & C29 from the Tamiya kit.

The printed resolution of the missile launcher is amazing. There is a lot of tiny detail throughout the entire part and some careful painting and contrast weathering will make them pop.

Review Process

I started by separating the 3D parts using side-cutting nippers. Next, wet sanding to remove the support nubs.

I went straight to painting using a Tamiya light flat gray since I did not want to add an extra layer of primer which may cover up some of the detail. This was followed by a pin wash mixture of Future-water-Vallejo Black.

To give the missile rails some realistic color, I used a No. 2 pencil to “shine up” the surface like the real thing.


This is a great 3D printed set especially if you want a final configuration without missiles. The strength of using this set is to show off the slide rails. The Tamiya kit parts have two (2) supporting stubs to attach the missiles whereas this resin set does not. A touch of metallic paint will enhance the look of the rails showing off the clean look of the F-16 without missiles installed.

I want to thank Warspite Model Company and Fab Scale for providing the 3D printed set and IPMS/USA for allowing me the opportunity to review.

Highly Recommend to everyone who wants to add more detail to their F-16 Fighting Falcon!



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