L1500S German 1.5t 4x2 Cargo Truck

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Company: MiniArt - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: MRC - Website: Visit Site

Items in the box

The model is made of injection molded plastic, gray in color. The instructions were made up in book form printed both sides. Clear plastic parts were also included, along with two small sheets of photo etch details (brass material).


I started assembling the chassis, muffler, and suspension systems, as well as the drive shaft, differential, and forward steering details. Next came the engine and transmission with their details. The radiator came next (I used the photo etch grille instead of the plastic molded grille). There are two options supplied in the kit. The truck cab with fender wells and engine were then attached to the built-up chassis. At this time, I noticed a poor fit with these assemblies. There was a gap of about one-sixteenth of an inch between the radiator skirt and the fender skirt. The rear portion of the cab fit well on the rear chassis mounts, but the forward portion was slightly elevated. After some cab adjustments and shimming at the radiator, the fit looked good. The truck rear cargo box with various containers was then added, with extras such as gas cans and an oil drum. Note: these items are not part of the kit. The wheels, doors, engine hood, windows, as well other small details, were then added, completing this build. It should be noted these sub-assemblies were painted prior to final assembly.

Finish and decals

I used Model Master rust and Afrika grun yellow, Floquil graphite, Testors Glosscote and Dullcote. The decals went on well. I added an extra decal to the roof of the cab.


The kit went to together well, except for some alignment issues in the front of the vehicle. The kit build-up is for the more experienced builder, as there are several fragile parts as well as tiny ones.

I would like to thank Model Rectifier Corporation for supplying the kit for review, and IPMS/USA for allowing me to review and build this kit.

Box Art


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