Kriegsmarine Fire Control Set

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Company: Veteran Models - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Veteran Models - Website: Visit Site


German battleships and heavy cruisers were equipped with three armored fire-control posts (in the conning tower, on the foretop, and on top of the aft superstructure. Target selectors around the foretop selected air targets. Each of the selectors, called ZAGs, worked in conjunction with one of the Directors for targeting. Veteran Models Fire Control Set provides 4 - ZAG Light Flak Directors, 4 - Zielsäule C/38 S Night Directors, plus 8 - 1540mm Search Light Directors.

The resin pieces are exquisitely cast with extremely fine detail, and virtually no imperfections. There is some very minor flash on the parts, but no bubbles or voids. The eyepieces even have recessed ends! The small photoetch fret provides hand wheels for the Light Controllers and Night Directors, and there are several spares for the extremely small pieces.

The Flak director has 3 resin pieces, and the other equipment is one resin piece plus photoetch hand wheels. Other than being very small, the parts go together very well and add excellent detail.

Thanks to Veteran Models for producing these excellent, extremely finely detailed accessories and providing review samples to IPMS.\

Editors Note: Just visit Facebook and search for Veteran Models. :)

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