The June 1967 Arab-Israeli Six-Day War, Volume 1: Prequel and Opening Moves of the Air War

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Review Author(s)
Book Author(s)
Tom Cooper
Other Publication Information
90 pages and includes 77 b/w photos, 27 color profiles, 8 maps and 8 tables.

Product / Stock #
HEL 1460
Company: Helion & Company - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Casemate Publishers - Website: Visit Site

The David vs. Goliath nature of the inception and survival of Israel in the Middle East provides an element of fascination to those interested in military history, especially the air war component. Israel came into existence at a time when technology was taking giant leaps forward, but due to mixed support of the birth of the small nation, restrictions and embargoes played heavily into the Israeli Defense Force’s ability to build up its air arm. In this alone it battled great odds to piece together a hodge-podge of aircraft in their early years, but understanding the value that air warfare brought to them in their tenuous geographic and political situation, they continued to spend significant resources to develop a competent air force.

There is perhaps no greater example of the outcome of this effort than what happened in June of 1967 during the Six-Day War. However, the mythical proportions that still linger, especially in Western consciousness, about this military feat should be tempered by an updated, documented look at many of the behind-the-scenes factors that contributed to this “miracle of modern war.”

The author of this book used his extensive business contacts and knowledge of the Middle East and Africa to shed light on these factors. From the political in-fighting between the Israeli political leadership and its military, to the tenuous hold that all of the Arab leaders held in their respective cultures of suspicion (both internally and externally), to the surrounding world powers struggling to make sense of the power shifts in this area of vital interests, the author weaves these elements together to help make sense of both the instigation of the war and its outcome.

I have read deeply on this topic, and I will say some of my assumptions were challenged and some reinforced. The author spends most of this volume on the backstory, up through an overview of the first day of the war. Yes, I am looking forward to reading volume 2 in this series!

The book is 90 pages and includes 77 b/w photos, 27 color profiles, 8 maps and 8 tables.

Thanks to the team at Helion for another nice history and reference source and to Casemate for the opportunity to review it.

Cover Arab-Istaeli War of Attrition

Reviewer Bio

Greg Kittinger

Being the son of a USAF fighter pilot, I grew up with a love of military aircraft and military history. I am a voracious reader, and wish I could get through more boxes of styrene than I currently do (oh retirement, where art thou?). I started building in grade school, took the typical hiatus from post-junior high through early marriage, then finally jumped back into the hobby with a vengeance. Building 1/72 military aircraft from post-WWII to the present is my focus, with a special affinity for the F-4 Phantom (my dad's Vietnam mount). I'm also the show coordinator for Tulsa Modelers' Forum, an IPMS chartered club, and I enjoy visiting other shows around the region and making friends in the modeling community.

You can find my builds on my iModeler blog.