Master Box Ltd. is a company that makes many different injected molded kits with an emphasis on making their products for dioramas. Their kits have a huge range of themes and accessories for dioramas, including figures of people and various animals, carts, WWII tanks & motorcycles to mention a few. Each kit tells a story of its own and together can bring your diorama to a better level of realism. I know they have been around from at least 2006 but however long it might be, their products seem to be excellent.
Each of these kits had almost negligible amounts of flash and even the seams disappeared after a few strokes from a sanding stick. I found the detail in these figures very well done and they also supplied excessive amounts of guns and ammo included in the kit. The U.S. Soldiers also have many items that you can add for them to carry, i.e.: ammo, canteens, rifles, etc. which adds even more realism to the kit as a whole. Each kit contains four finely detailed figures with plenty of accessories that make it well worth it for the money.
I did find that I had to wash these kits very well because I found them to be oily and was afraid that I would have trouble having the paint adhere to the plastic. I would have done that anyway as I always wash my kits first for the same reason.
I highly recommend these kits for their accuracy and the fine attention to detail. Of course practice makes perfect, but any modeler with any level of skills and imagination could produce something they would be proud of. Visit their website to see many of their other products designed with the diorama builder in mind.
I would like to thank Master Box, Dragon Models USA, Inc. and IPMS/USA for the opportunity to review these fine products.

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