Glue Applicator

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Company: Hauler - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Hauler - Website: Visit Site

Hauler’s glue applicator will definitely get you into tight spaces with just the right amount of glue for tiny jobs. Handle this product just as you would any photo etched piece, removing the tips from the carrier sheet in the same manner as a photo etched part would be removed.

Hauler provides 17 single tips and 16 double tips in the product package.

To use the product, simply remove the tip from the carrier sheet and insert it in an Xacto Knife handle (the type that has a threaded collar that loosens and tightens down on the Xacto blade or, in this case the photo etch Hauler Glue tip.

The business end of the tip narrows down into two arms that have a slot in between which, when dipped into super glue, will hold a very small quantity of the adhesive in that slot. Simply touch the tip to the part(s) being glued and you’re done!

The tips are reusable, right up to the time when you drop the tool and the tip bends….no no biggie since you’ve got 32 more tips in the bag!

In order to reuse the tip simply hold the tip in the open flame of a match or cigarette lighter, allow the dried glue to burn off, and the tip is ready for use….once it cools off sufficiently. This is the point at which I remind you that an open flame around a workbench with enamels, lacquers, thinners of all types, not to mention paper and other combustibles is something best left to an adult who will exercise the proper cautions.

At about a quarter per tip, the price is right, especially since with a little care a single tip can last through several projects.

In some experiments I found that the Hauler tip works well with super glue, regardless of the viscosity, and it also works with glue squeezed from a tube or a container with a needle tip applicator.

If you need to put a small amount of glue into a tiny space then this tool will do the trick.

Thanks to Hauler for providing the review sample. This tool is highly recommended.



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