German Tank Destroyers
The book goes into details of the German Tank Destroyers used in World War Two.
The contents are:
- Timeline of Events
- Introduction; Panzerjager in the Heer and the Waffen SS
- The Panzerjager Ente, Marder II and Marder III
- Jagdpanzers – The Dicker Max and the Super Emil
- The Horniesse / Nashorn
- The Hetzer
- The Elephant
- The Jagdpanzer IV/70
- Afterword
The different tank destroyers are fully defined, and their evolution described in the various chapters in this book. The different types, strengths, and weakness are also covered. The book includes the actions there were used in in great detail and helps make this book a great read and reference material
I found this book fascinating and provides a lot of additional information I have never read before. There are lot of pictures and illustrations that make the book even more interesting.
I recommend this book to everyone with an interest in tank destroyers and its an excellent reference for all armor modelers out there.
Thanks go to Casemate Publishing for providing this book and IPMS USA for allowing me to review it.

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