Generic/Universal Tents and Tarps Set
“Any Army Any Era!”……This is the Battle Cry for Steve Munsell of ValueGear. A Daytime Dad and nighttime casting machine. After reviewing the Wooden Crates 3 set and knowing I still had two more reviews to accomplish I figured I would send Steve an email and get some personal knowledge and thoughts. He considers himself a so-so modeler and started ValueGear simply because he got tired of seeing the same pieces used over and over again by the mainstream cottage industries in their stowage set. I also learned that he is no longer in Ireland but right here in Sunny Arizona. Hopefully he will pick up so more U.S. Distributors for his fine products.
In this set, you get 21 different sets of tarps and rolls. Not a single one is duplicated. The great thing about this set is that there is not a single pour lug that needs to be removed. All that is needed is some sanding and you are ready to go. Like all resin, it is best to give the parts a good soap and brush cleansing to ensure all mold release agents are removed. Remember that resin particles are hazardous and you should always complete these tasks using water to keep the dust down and wear a cheap doctor’s mask to keep the particulates out of your system.
As before, I picked five items out of the set to paint. I opted for some different colors this time around to show that you do not need to go all green and tan. If you are feeling really brazen, you could add any number of additional designs to any of these rolls. You only have your imagination to hold you back. All paints used were Model Master. I painted in my typical fashion of base, future, wash, dry brush and then flat coat if needed. All the items turned out great and I may actually be able to use some on an upcoming build I have going.
I would like to thank Value Gear for making these great and easy to use sets. Big Kudos for providing the samples to IPMS/USA for review. IPMS/USA gets a thank you for allowing me to review these items and having the space for others to read these reviews and possibly find out about some great available products. Go and get yourself some of these sets and see what you can come with!

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