Fw-190D-9 Correct Cowling

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Product / Stock #
QB 32-186
Base Kit
Company: Quickboost - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Aires Hobby Models - Website: Visit Site

Quickboost, an Aires Resin division, continues to produce quick and simple resin upgrades for a wide variety of subjects. The detail parts are crisply cast and often add to or correct kit items.

In this case, the subject of this review is the engine cowling for the 1/32 Hasegawa Fw-190D-9. In a side-by-side comparison (see photos), the details (panel lines, fasteners, etc.) are almost exactly the same. The old real noticeable difference is that that Quickboost replacement is deeper than the Hasegawa kit part. Based on my Vernier caliper measurements, the Quickboost part is 0.025 deeper than the kit cowl. I would have to assume that this is the “shortcoming” of the kit part. The resin casting is also thinner than the kit part and lacks the locating pin. It is cast on a large resin stub, but this is easily removed with a razor saw and a few minutes of careful cutting. Once separated, a few swipes with a sanding stick or sanding block readily remove any saw marks. The diameter of the replacement cowl matches very well with the kit part and it fits snugly onto the front of the fuselage.

With this small investment in time and money, you can easily bring the Hasegawa Dora to a more accurate representation. Thanks to Aires/Quickboost and IPMS USA for the opportunity to review this item.



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