Focke-Wulf FW 190D-9

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Company: Hobby Boss
Provided by: Squadron - Website: Visit Site

Hobbyboss continues their FW190/Ta152 series with this FW190D-9. The kit consists of 118 beautifully engraved plastic parts, a sheet of 6 photoetch pieces and 5 clear parts. markings are included for:

  • II/JG6, Black 12 BuNo 500570 from May 8, 1945
  • 7/JG 301, BuNo 400208, April 1945

There is an excellent set of decals with full stencils. The only thing I noticed right up front was the lack of seatbelts which I remedied with a Reheat set.

Construction starts with the cockpit which nice with a good representation of the seat, pedals and decals for the instruments on the two panels. No issues came up and as I stated, I just added the seat belts. Also in the fuselage is the rear firewall which has the rear of the engine and several parts. Hobbyboss does a nice job adding this as they are clearly visible from the wheel wells. The exhaust stacks are added to the fuselage sidewalls followed by the engine bulkhead and the cockpit. Each part fits well and the cockpit has excellent tabs to get it located. Prior to closing up the fuselage, the tail wheel needs built and trapped between the two sides. The rest of the fuselage is glued shut with no problems.

The rear tail parts are added and so is the cowling (which is separate to accommodate different versions. The wings are built next and have the option of dropped flaps which I used. The ailerons are also separate. A very nice wheel well is included with separate gun barrels. the wing was then glued to the fuselage. I used putty in one place and the was the base of the tail where I had cut a little deep removing a sprue point. Fit was phenomenal in all parts. The bottom wing parts also fit extremely well.

You have a choice of open or closed cowling flaps. The rear deck behind the cockpit is done in photoetch and adds nice detail. Prior to painting, I prepped the canopy and windscreen by masking and adding the parts for the sliding mechanism and for the armor headrest. I also prepped the landing gear covers and prepared to paint.

One of the schemes I have been wanting to do for e long time was on an old Experten decals sheet with an FW190D-9 carrying R4M rockets in a simple scheme of RLM 76 with RLM75/RLM 83 on the top. The plane was very weathered also. After the painting, I decaled it using the Experten set. An overall wash was given of dark brown flowed by multiple pastels and also Comart weathering for the exhaust stains which were very heavy. the R4m rockets and racks were added from and EagleParts set. The entire kit was flat coated and set aside.

I then finished the canopies, landing gear and antennae's. During this time, the tail fork snapped off and split into parts. thanks goodness for the SAC set. Everything was added without any difficulties. The main antennae was added. For the FW190D-9, this hung limp if the canopy was open and that is how I depicted it with thread. Once all the parts were added, the clear wing tip lights were added and then coated the correct color and we were done.

This is one of the best fitting kits I have built. Almost not putty anywhere. Start to finish, the build only took about 10 days and I really like the result. I give this kit a big thumbs up an recommend heartily.

My thanks to Hobbyboss, Squadron MMD and IPMS USA for the chance to review it.

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