Field Toilet

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Company: ICM - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: ICM - Website: Visit Site


If you were born in the last century at any time, you probably remember an older relative- perhaps a grandparent or older aunt who had an outhouse in the backyard. At the very least-- maybe a campsite or campground anyways. I frequented the one in my grandfather´s backyard as it was much easier than having to take off my shoes to go in the house and back then, I never wanted to come in. ICM has provided a relatively straightforward kit of the standard field toilet, although to be sure- one would probably only see these in more permanent set-ups. Most of the time these were set up over a hold in the ground with no wooden floor- but this is a dolled up version to be sure.

The Kit

Inside the durable cardboard box is just one sprue that contains the roof, door, sides, rear, and front frame of the assembly. There are also a few parts for the seat and inside assembly as well as a latch to lock yourself in and a handle for the front.

The Build

Assembly is quick and painless- in just 5 steps you have it all built. Things start out with the base, rear, and sides. From there you add the seat and front door frame. Then the door details are added to the door and the door and roof complete assembly. You have the option of building the seat assembly or just having the floor with a hole in it with no seat. I went with the seat so I could add a roll of TP for good measure...we aren't savages after all!

Painting and Weathering

I went with bare bones paint-- just basic wood to start, then some diluted white paint as a whitewash and some oil paints to weather and age the look of the wood. I added some green washes to the base to give it that mossy plant growth look. I noticed as I went to take photos that the door handle must’ve came loose…have not had any luck finding it so I will have to scratch build something for it when I go to put it into a diorama.


This is a quick and easy build- no complex camp schemes or decals...and will make an interesting addition to a diorama of your creation. Many thanks to ICM and IPMS-USA for the review sample.

Box Art


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