FAB-250 TS Soviet Bombs
The FAB-250 is a general purpose dumb bomb with is widely manufactured and exported, similar to the US 500lb bomb. The have been widely used in the conflicts along the Russian (Soviet) border in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Nagarno-Kharabak and Georgia. You frequently see them carried on Russian multiple ejector racks. While they are available in numerous kits, Aires had release their version in an aftermarket package.
This set is crisply patterned and cast with very this fin detail in durable resin. The bombs have a nice shape, but lack some lug detail found on injection molded bombs included by OEZ/KOPRO in their kits. Since I don’t know the purpose of these lugs I can’t comment on their presence, but I have seen them in photos. The fit of the bomb to the fin is perfect, but some care will be needed to endure the fins are straight upon attachment. The set also includes a comprehensive decal set of stencils.
I am confused by the way this set is engineered and the assembly called out in the instructions. If you follow Aires you will but joint the fin assembly to the base of the bomb with only the smallest attachment point. Plus the fin will stick out at a 90 degree angle from the bomb body – just ready to be ripped off if the real bomb was constructed this way. I have studied numerous photos and drawings and can find no Russian or former Warsaw Pact bombs that match this set. Aires might be right, but I can’t find the prototype. On the bombs I am familiar with the fins are welded much more forward in the casing, about to the point that the casing tapers. The inside edge of the fins has a corresponding taper and it provides a more streamlined and robust assembly. I don’t get what Aires was thinking and I decided not to assemble these bombs because I didn’t. Some clarification is needed and until then I can’t recommend this set.
Thank-you to Aires Hobby Models and IPMS/USA for this review sample.
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