F84E Thunderjet
NOTE – In box review only…full build article to following in Journal
I don’t know about you folks, but it seems that every time I make the decision to undertake a major/difficult project, only because there are no alternatives available, someone else comes out with a beautiful kit of the subject and this was no exception.
I was seriously considering the build of the aging I.D. Vacuform F-84, which had been in my stash for years. Thankfully, I hadn’t started it when the news arrived of this release. First impression to the size of the bird…it’s much bigger than I had thought. The kit includes 14 trees molded in grey plastic (2 in clear) and they are very crisply done indeed. One can’t help but to be impressed with the care and precautions taken in packaging the “fiddly bits” as our Brit friends call them. Examination reveals that there will most likely be other versions forth coming. The clear parts, metal landing gear and rubber tires are packaged in a separated area in the sturdy kit box. I will cover in detail the various options offered in the build article for the Journal, but for now I will hit the high spots just to whet your appetite.
Two types of ejection seats are offered, a myriad of underwing stores that include several types of bombs, rockets and aux fuel tanks. In with the metal gear parts there is a much appreciated shaped nose weight to avoid tail sitting. Items that are molded separately are all control surfaces including rudder and flaps, speed brake, optional gun bay with full details, a 2 piece canopy; a JATO unit is also present. A full color decal placement sheet is also included with 3 full color decal sheets that include markings for 2 aircraft. First the box cover aircraft from the 9th F.B.S., 49th FBW, Korea 1951, Pilot Capt Warren O’Brien and the second is an 8th F.B.S. bird in black and yellow markings flown by Lt. Dolph Overton. The main decal sheet includes all national markings and stenciling, all very nicely done.
From what I can see so far, this kit deserves the highest degree of recommendation. Please look for the build article to follow in an upcoming IPMS/USA Journal. Many thanks to Gary Newman at Squadron for the review sample.

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