F6F Hellcat ‘Flaps Down’ Set
This set by RES-IM is for the Eduard 1/72 Hellcat series and if you like posing your cats with the flaps down then this is the set for you. The small zip lock bag contains 3 resin plugs with all 18 parts on them. The flaps are on one, hinges on another and a new inner wing surface on the last. The parts can be removed easily BUT, care must be taken when removing as the hinges are small (one of mine tried to get away!) and the inner wing surface is pretty thin.
The instruction sheet is just 4pictures of the actual build and is pretty easy to understand as all the parts are clearly labeled. Probably the toughest part was the small bit of surgery to the kit flaps themselves but its all straight cuts and some tedious grinding/sanding so just take your time…patience!! The kit flap is replaced by the inner wing surface and then you can place the hinges, be sure to line these up properly or you will not be able to put the flaps on. Once these are set, you can place the flap on and you’re done.
I would like to thank Res-Im for supplying this, IPMS/USA for letting me review it and all of you for reading this.

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