Eagles of the Luftwaffe: Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A, F and G
When it appeared in the skies over Europe in 1941, the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A was the best fighter in the world. It was more than a match for the best Spitfires the RAF could field and began shooting them down in ever-increasing numbers. Only the introduction of the Spitfire IX with its two-stage supercharged Merlin overturned its supremacy.
Alongside the Messerschmitt Bf 109, the Fw 190 is the iconic fighter of the Luftwaffe during the Second World War. It was hugely adaptable and fought on nearly all fronts, proving to be a formidable opponent.
The Fw 190 F and G fighter-bombers effectively replaced the Ju 87 Stuka in the ground-attack role in the west and provided the Luftwaffe with much-needed additional capability.
The Fw 190 was used for the Mistel flying bomb combination and as a test aircraft for the Ruhrstahl X-4 wire-guided air-to-air missile, and in its Fw 190 A-8 and A-9 forms fought on the front line right until the bitter end.
This book tells the story of the legendary fighter with previously unseen drawings and photos which shed new light on the aircraft’s origins.
Chapters Include:
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: Early Development
- Chapter 3: Combat In The West
- Chapter 4: FW-190A, B, and C
- Chapter 5: FW-190E, F, G, H and S
- Chapter 6: Combat In The East
- Chapter 7: Last Defence Of The Reich
- Chapter 8: Special Weapons and Versions
- Color Profiles
- Index
- Appendix: Ümbau Mods and Rüstatz Kits
Each chapter is written in a clear, succinct manner, including personal stories of the involved pilots, combat sorties, and even early test flight problems experienced. There are a few color photos mixed in with the dozens and dozens of excellent B&W period photos.
The Special Weapons chapter is fascinating, with numerous “Mistel” photos and pictures of some of the Luftwaffe’s ersatz experimental weapons platforms.
Although the book itself is small in stature, it is PACKED with useful information of each variants’ development, including changes small and large. The author has certainly done his due diligence in researching the topic at hand. This book is a must have for Luftwaffe modelers or enthusiasts. Highly recommended.
My thanks and gratitude to IPMS/USA and Mortons’ Books for the review sample.

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