Dodge Viper SRT10 ACR
The Dodge Viper SRT10 ACR (which stands for American Club Racer) is the latest Viper from the Dodge Boys built for hard core street and race enthusiasts. The ACR comes equiped fron the factory with a built for racing aluminum 8.4 litre V10 rated at 600 horse power. Additionally it comes equipped with Brembo discs brakes all around the size of pizza pans; creature comforts include a 310 watt 7 speaker sound system and a 220 MPH speedometer…all for a MSRP of $110,055. This Viper ACR is no longer in production but it is certain to be a collector’s item in the future.
This offering by Revell is a modified reissue of their second generation Viper kit with many newly added parts specific to the new ACR. True to Revell kit tradition our Viper is cleanly molded and well engineered so it goes together very well and produces a very nice finished model. Upon receiving the review kit I set out to find out more about the ACR from the internet including the official Dodge Viper website. For me it is all about the color of the finished model, the built up kit on the box top is Viper (arrest me) Red. I was pleased to see that the car is offered in a bright green color called “Snakeskin Green”, how appropriate! Interestingly enough the color is similar to Dodge’s Bright Green Metallic offered in their 1969 line and I had that color paint on hand. The rest of the color/paint scheme was black body highlights, a dark grey interior and dark painted alloy wheels.
The build started with painting the body Cobra Colors Bright Green Metallic, this would also be the base color for the racing stripe. After the green had out-gassed I masked out where the racing stripes would be using black electrical tape (thanks to Walt Fink for the tip) and then painted the black highlights (hood, top and hatch) with Tamiya X1 gloss black, there were no paint incompatabilites with the Tamiya acrylic over the lacquer basecoat. All of the exterior paint was treated to gloss treatment with “The Final Detail” carnuba wax.
The monster V10 motor is a jewel in itself. The 17-piece motor is crisply molded and very well detailed making it a stunning center piece to the engine bay. The interior was tackled next with a shot of flat black primer given to the interior/engine bay tub. I decided to go for a dark metallic grey color for the instrument panel, seats, door panels and the killer wheels; this would be accomplished by priming the parts with black primer and then over spraying the parts with Alclad Steel. The interior was detailed out with aluminum and red paint, the dash instruments were nicely done with the provided kit decals. I left the shift knob in white to resemble the “Que ball” look that Ford uses on their Shelby Mustangs. The kit also includes a ji-normous rear wing which I didn’t care for the look of. SoI did a “factory delete option” on it; I think the car looks cleaner and meaner without it.
Overall I had no building issues with this fine kit. It is extremely well engineered and executed, and builds up into a fine model as the pictures will attempt to show. If you are into cars, you must add this bad boy to your collection.
Thanks to Revell and IPMS for the pleasure of reviewing this kit for you.

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