DH. 98 Mosquito Wheels

Published on
January 15, 2021
Review Author(s)
Product / Stock #
Base Kit
Tamiya 1/72 Mosquitoes
Company: Brengun - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Hauler Brengun
Product Picture

This set provides replacement two main gear tires, 2 variations of tire rims and a new tailwheel. The main wheel tires have radial tread with raised markings. There is a flat spot, with slightly bulged sidewalls on each main gear tire to simulate a loaded aircraft. The tailwheel appears to be a solid style tailwheel, so there is no flat spot anywhere on it. Oddly, the set does not include the tail wheel strut but instead instructs you to remove the molded tire from parts “A6” or “A7”, so a little surgery will be necessary to install the replacement tailwheel.

The set includes two options for the left rim for each main gear, one with a spoke type pattern and the other a more standard looking rim. To avoid confusion later, I installed the same rim on both sides of each tire.

There are no painting instructions included, so I pulled out a Hasegawa Mosquito from my stash and painted the main gear tires NATO Black with flat aluminum rims, while the tailwheel is overall black. I rubbed a white colored pencil across the raised lettering on the tires to highlight the tire logos.

Surprisingly, there is nothing in the instructions or on Brengun’s website telling you what kit the tires are designed for. I first looked at the Hasegawa Mosquito kit, but as shown in the phots, the kit axle is way too big to fit the hole in the center of the rims. I next pulled out a Tamiya Mosquito and noted that while the axle of the Tamiya kit is about the right size, the Tamiya gear struts have a single piece axle that on the kit parts passes completely through the wheel and attaches to the strut on the opposite side where as the Brengun wheels are solid with no hole for the axle to pass through. I then compared the tailwheels of the Tamiya kit and noted that they are numbered “A6” and “A7”, just as listed on the instructions, implying that the set is designed for the Tamiya kits.

This is a nice set and will be an improvement over the kit parts, however, the wheels are not drop-in replacements for the kit parts – you will either need to drill through the center of each main wheel to use the Tamiya kit’s axle or make your own axles. In addition, you will need to carefully remove the kits tailwheel from its strut/fork in order to replace it with the new one.

Thank you to Hauler/Brengun for providing the review sample and IPMS-USA for letting me review it.


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