DaVinci Series "G.E.T." Clock
Academy continues its excellent series of DaVinci kits with the G.E.T. Clock. G.E.T. is listed as (G)ear system rotation, (E)scapement mechanism, (T)ourbillon movement. From their web site description, this clock is “Inspired by the principles of Leonardo Da Vinci, the G.E.T. Clock has incorporated the mechanism of the real time pieces. An escapement is a device in a clock or watch that controls the motion of the gear train and transmits the energy from the movement to the pendulum or balance wheel. A tourbillion is a portion in a mechanical watch and is used to increase the accuracy by minimizing errors due to the effects of gravity.” Building models and learning is a good thing!
The kit comes molded in three colors- brown, black, and clear red. The kit consists of 51 parts including the metal shafts. The entire kit is held together with a series of twist pins and pressure fits. The kit instructions state that no tools are needed but I did use a sprue cutter to free the few parts on sprues.
Total build time was about 45 minutes and a lot of that was making sure things moved. The instructions are excellent and very visual. A great example is that when you need a metal shaft, a picture of the exact size is adjacent to the “description”, so you just need to match the part to the picture. As I was building, I did glue two parts – the backing piece holding the two swing arms and the two main supports with a little swipe of Tamiya Thin. They probably don’t need it but safety first.
To get the clock working, you load the two buckets with quarters, lift the arms and then let go. The clock moves and the parts look just like a watch movement. There is a great video here:
This was a lot of fun to assemble and takes me back to building kits with dropping torpedoes and moving landing gear. It would be great for kids and the price is very good also.
Highly recommended to everyone.
My thanks to MRC Academy for the review sample and to IPMS/USA for the opportunity to build it.

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