Cross & Cockade International Winter 2014 Vol. 45/4 Journal

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The latest journal of Cross & Cockade International - Winter 2014 Vol. 45/4 - is the last of the journals that make up Volume 45. C&C I is the quarterly publication of the non-profit UK based organization known as The First World War Aviation Historical Society. They have continuously published these journals since 1970 with the objective of furthering the study of First World War Aviation History. This journal continues the organization’s mission by providing considerable information on a wide range of WWI aviation subjects…this time delivering an interesting and lengthy feature article about operations of the RNAS’s 3 Wing & 3 Squadron along with 203 Squadron RAF under the title ‘JUST ABOUT COURT MARTIALLED’. The journal’s cover image ‘Red-Nose Pup’, a painting by artist Russell Smith, serves to herald this twenty three-page article.

Following an editorial page that includes comment about the proliferation of publications devoted to the first year of the WWI Centenary, the content of this journal is most impressive…it includes:

  • Walter Hauck (Financier, Engineer, Bavarian Cavalry Officer, Flyer, Aviation Pioneer, Race Car Driver, Anti-Nazi Activist, British Agent and Industrialist)
  • Memories of Gallipoli 1915: Sqn Ldr A. A. Walser MC DFC
  • Atlas of German and Foreign Seaplanes: The Kaiserliche Werft Build Seaplanes
  • Silent Raid: The Untold Story
  • Just About Court Martialled: Fred Carr Armstrong, 3 Wing/3 Sqn. RNAS, 203 Sqn. RAF
  • From the Albums: The Gerhardt-Japp Collection (Photo Feature)
  • Loogbook: Moranes in RFG Service; Pt 5
  • Gazetter of Flying Sites: Pt. 20 Tot-Wes (Center pull-out section)
  • Fabric
  • Bookshelf

As noted above, included are the regular Fabric, Recce and Bookshelf columns along with a number of excellent vintage sepia-toned photos on the back cover (inside and out) of a newly delivered Pfalz D.III and a Fokker Dr.I. They are some of the clearest period photos this reviewer has ever seen. Very valuable stuff for the model builder.

Another large foldout insert is also included in this journal that provides the first sheets of the A2 Ordnance Survey maps of Scotland marked up with the location of all sites of WW1 aviation interest. This foldout includes four original sheets with a guide showing how they relate to one another.

This publication is extremely well done and highly recommended to those with a serious interest in WWI aviation or anyone who would like to become serious about the subject. Four of these Journals make up an entire Volume and each volume provides comprehensive information on myriad WWI aviation subjects. My thanks to The First World War Aviation Historical Society for providing the publication sample and to IPMS/USA for the opportunity to review it.



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