Cross & Cockade Int. Quarterly Journal Spring 2018 Vol 49/1
C&C Spring 2018 Vol 49/1 is now available. For those not familiar with Cross & Cockade International, it is the journal of “The First World War Aviation Historical Society”. As such, the publication focuses on aviation topics associated with World War 1, and an in-depth study of the historical aspects of aviation in World War 1. Those historians with an interest in the history of World War 1, especially related to aviation, will find C&C to be a gold mine of information. For modelers who enjoy building aircraft of World War 1, C&C is packed with excellent photographs, full color illustrations, and detailed information about the aircraft used.
Some sad news is contained in this issue of Cross & Cockade. Barbara Huston, a long-time staff member, passed away in January 2018. Ms. Huston’s impact on the publication is well established and finding staff to take over her role will be a challenge. But beyond the impact Ms. Huston had on the quality of the publication, it is very clear that the C&C staff are one large and happy family, and that makes the passing of Ms. Huston more impactful. She will surely be missed but also, she will surely be remembered.
This issue begins with an article by David Mechin, entitled, “Pierre Malvoisin-A Fighter Pilot With L’Aviation Maritime Francaise”. This biographical study of a young man who was initially involved as a member of the 1st Regiment of Marine Rifles. His efforts to transfer to Maritime Aviation were successful and he received a military pilot’s license in 1916. The article contains some excellent photographs of Mavoisin sitting or standing on and in various aircraft which he flew during his time of service. The article follows Malvoisin even after the war. The article traces Inspector Malvoisin as he distinguished himself by trapping drug dealers by pretending he was a buyer.
“36 Squadron- A WWI History” by Mick Davis. Davis presents 36 Squadron in a fascinating manner, supported by a number of excellent photographs of the men involved and the machines they flew. This was also the most enjoyable article for me, as a reader. I noticed early on in the article that place names were plentiful, so I called up Google Map and pinned the places mentioned in the article.
Paul Leaman’s article on “Captured German Aircraft, Part 5, concludes his series of articles on captured German aircraft. Of historical note in this article is that an aircraft identified as a Fokker Dr. 1 425/17 is presented. If the aircraft isn’t a give-away then the date may ring a bell. This aircraft was flown by Rittmeister Manfred Von Richthofen. Another thought came to mind as I studied this listing and the description of various parts of the airframe. Richthofen was shot down 100 years ago this month! (This review is being written in early April, 2018.)
Included in the listings of these captured aircraft are descriptions of such things as monograms, markings, camo patterns, and even prop lamination sequences. For example, a Fokker Dr.1 was brought down on May 3, 1918 and the prop is described as an “Axial propeller 1312 in 2 laminations of walnut and 7 of mahogany.” This kind of detailed information is meaningful to modelers and a great joy to find, as it allows for a more detailed model, should one wish to build this particular Fokker Dr.1.
Peter Cowlan’s article, “The Development and Use of the Salmson Canton-Unne’ Aero Engine, 1908-1918 Part 1” presents the history of development of this powerplant, but also the text is accompanied by excellent photographs. Photo and photo shows aircraft built by Canton and Unne’, as well as the powerplants mounted on them.
“The Last of Many”, written by Stewart K. Taylor, traces the history and doings of one, “Lt. Harold Benjamin “Doc” Oldham as a member assigned to 29 Squadron RAF. As I was reading this article I noted that Oldham had received his Aerial Gunnery in “Texas”. The article didn’t identify the city or base at which this training took place, but as I write this article I live a stone’s throw from such a base, used as a training center during World War I. It’s an entertaining thought to think that, at the time of his training, local residents may have seen him in the air had they simply looked skyward.
Nick Forder presented an article entitled, “The Morane Type L in RNAS Service”. Excellent photos of the aircraft are rich in detail and will be of great value to modelers. The aircraft did not fair well when “crashed”, as is evident in some of the accompanying images.
One of the great joys of reading Cross & Cockade is that there is always so much information about people, places, and aircraft of which I am unaware, and that I am most enjoyably surprised. The article by Paul R. Hare, “Farnborough’s Tail Boom Fighters” is such an article. Looking at images of the FE3 was a fascinating experience as the design is rather unique.
Mick Davis’ “Logbook”shines light of the reconstruction of aircraft from salvaged and spare parts. Basically, the contents are notes and transcripts from communication between various individuals and facilities. Such historical tidbits show that the war effort resulted in turning over some very interesting stones.
Lastly, Joe Moran presents “Modelling-New Releases and Kit Reviews. The information within focuses, naturally, on publications, models, and modeling products featuring aircraft from WWI.
Finally, the back cover presents full color side views by David Mechin of a Nieport 17, a Sopwith Triplane, and a SPAD VII, all very helpful to modelers of those subjects.
This publication is highly recommended due to the high quality of images, in depth and documented articles, and coverage of a wide variety of related topics. If you are into early / WWI aviation; this journal is an incredible source of information that will have you on the edge of your seat for the next issue. Thanks to Cross & Cockade International and IPMS/USA for the chance to review this great issue.
Several pages in this issue can be viewed online as pdf files by going to:

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