The Corr-U-Gator
When you click the 'About Us' tab on Masterpiece Models website this is what you'll read...
'Masterpiece Models manufactures and sells the highest quality resin assembly kits on the market today. Featuring kits for a variety of interests including WWII, Vietnam, Sci-fi, and aircraft bases. We have acquired the rights to a large selection of the Custom Dioramics line that are now available through us as resin assembly kits. Our kits are manufactured at our Vancouver, Washington, USA fabrication and casting shop.”
What they have left out is that this company also has a line of dinosaur stuff: a T-Rex tooth in one to one scale, several different dinosaur skulls (Velociraptor/Triceratops in 1:9th scale), and a superb, 31” Nautilus submarine of Jules Verne fame, to name a few.
In addition to all that, Masterpiece Models also produces some pretty neat modeling tools. One of which is the subject of this essay. The Corr-U-Gator is a simple, three-piece tool for corrugating stuff for use in a diorama or scale structures. The tool is cast in a dark gray resin and arrives in a sturdy box with the two-part tool, a cutting guide, and a 6 x 6 sheet of scale metal (lead foil).
Using the Corr-U-Gator is beyond easy. To save you from some long-winded explanation on how to use this tool, I'll simply refer you to the attached video, produced by Masterpiece Models, on how to use this nifty little device. Take it away John:
Just for grins, I used the Corr-U-Gator on some different materials: lead foil from a wine bottle, construction paper, and household aluminum foil, as well as the scale metal foil included with the Corr-U-Gator. While you can corrugate those other materials, you want to go with the scale metal foil.
The Corr-U-Gator is available in the following scales: 1:48th, 1:35th, and 1:24th. The example I received was in 1:24th scale but this larger scale could be used in just about any setting or scale that you choose, although 1:72nd might be a stretch. But for the purist, Masterpiece Models does offer those other scales.
My thanks to Masterpiece Models and IPMS/USA for the review copy.
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