Cockpit for F3D-2/2Q Skyknight

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Base Kit
Company: Pavla Models
Provided by: Pavla Models

Pavla Models has been putting out a lot of very nice cockpit sets for older kits that really don’t have more than an oversized seat and a shape for a control panel. One example is the older Matchbox kits that came out in the 70s and 80s. This set was designed to fit into the Matchbox kit and talk about an upgrade; it gives you the control panels for 2 configurations. I’m one of those people that are hooked on the model kits of my childhood because of the fond memories that they bring back. My dad was a postman and he would always seem to bring me some model kit from the Saturday garage sales on his route.

I like these old kits but it is a blessing to be able to add some detail to them.

This set comes molded in the familiar grey resin. The mold is crisp and bubble free with a lot of detail. There is a tub, seats, 2 different instrument panels, pedals, stick, headrests, 3 instrument panels for the sides, and a choice of 2 parts for the deck behind the crew. There are 2 small sheets of instructions showing how the parts come together, what parts of the original kit to remove, and a simple color call out.

Putting this kit together is pretty simple. Just remember to be careful when removing the mold blocks from the parts and also remember how delicate they can be. If one of them does break it can be easily repaired with a little super glue. After removal of the mold blocks I painted the parts and then did the assembly. The detail on the control panels is good, so after I painted the panels black I lightly rubbed a silver colored pencil over the dials to make them pop out. Next was a little detail painting, headrests are brown, seats and belts olive green. Once completed the cockpit just went right in with no problems at all. I was really happy with this fact because I have built a few that had to be sanded so much that you could almost see through them. Then again, this is a Matchbox base kit and there is plenty of room. This would be a really good choice for someone who is going to do their first resin cockpit. After I installed the cockpit the two body halves went together very well.

I highly recommend this kit if you want to update an older Matchbox kit with some much needed detail and also as a first resin cockpit for someone wanting to get into resin conversions. I can’t wait to see which ones are coming out next.

I would like to thank Pavla Models for this review kit and IPMS USA for the opportunity to review it.



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