"Cartoon Aircraft" Decals for Bf-109G

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Company: Iliad Design - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Iliad Design - Website: Visit Site

Illiad Design has started a 1/32 decal line and their first sheet is a secure bet: a Bf-109G. The recent Revell model is a good candidate for it, but not the only one, as the old Hasegawa kit could be a good recipient for these decals.

This decal sheet cover 6 airframes from 7./JG 53, the famous “Pik As” Jagdgeschwader. All the markings cover airframes located in Sicily during 1943 finished in RLM 74/75/76 with mottling on the sides and they have stripes on the propeller spiner. No decal is provided for the spinner, but instructions on how to mask it are provided.

The decal sheet is very glossy and the decals look thin. Register is perfect. Opacity is likely to be good too, but I have not tried them in a model. You might want to test that using a spare decal.

Each airframe had a white number (tactical number) and “fuselage art” just behind the cockpit on the left side of the fuselage. The art include the “Pik As” performing different actions, from being resting, to be shooting a tank with an arrow, or sailing. I guess that is why the sheet is named “Cartoon Aircraft”.

A really nice thing of this sheet is that you are provided with enough decals to model all of the aircraft, assuming you use the national markings and stencils from the original decal sheet in the box.


I would like to thank Illiad Design and IPMS/USA for the review sample.

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