C-47 Dakota Cowlings
Recommended Kit: Trumpeter
I have read many reviews about Trumpeter’s C-47 kit and, although they range from good to great, most reviews seem to pick up on the errors where the rudder and the cowlings are concerned. This review will cover Quickboost’s corrected cowlings as compared with the kits cowlings.
I am a little surprised because the kits cowlings do not match any of the DC-3/C-47 cowlings at all, and with all the work Trumpeter put into this kit, one has to wonder how that was missed. Most of the DC-3/C-47’s had the Pratt & Whitney cowlings which are tapered from front to rear with a narrow lip. The kits cowlings seem to be on the square side and a bit longer with very large lips around the edge. Quickboost’s corrected cowlings are shorter with the proper taper and the lips have been scaled down to the proper proportion. Note the side by side pictures from the front and side views. You can see where Quickboost corrected the errors and yet retained the proper detail.
I would definitely recommend these cowlings, especially for the fussy types. Again, Quickboost has done a fine job of detailing them as well. Considering that the kit cost anywhere from $90-$120, a few more dollars is worth the money to have the correct cowlings.
A big “Thank You” goes to Quickboost for providing the sample for review.

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