Black Bunny F-4J VX-4 Decals
Thank you to Furball Aero-Design for providing excellent specific markings set for this very unique aircraft. I am certain that F-4 fans will be thrilled with this set! Thank you to the IPMS Reviewer Corps for letting me review them, I am very appreciative of the chance to contribute back to the scale-modeling community.
The words that capture this decal set are “stunning detail.” Furball chose the striking color scheme of Vandy 1, the gloss black test F-4J aircraft operated by VX-4, providing both the original 1969 markings and the later “bunny” markings. What makes this set different from kit decals and aftermarket decal sets are the nearly 200 crisply-printed stencils printed in white. Modelers often correctly make the argument that stencils are often quickly worn off and not visible, but this aircraft was maintained in “high-polish” with all markings likely there.
The decals are on a large 8.25 x 10.75 inch, pale-blue carrier sheet, accompanied by 3 letter-size, full-color, double-sided layout and placement guide sheets. Decal for one complete aircraft is provided, with two versions possible. The set arrived in a zipper-closure bag with the placement sheets, and parchment paper covering the decal sheet. The starred blue stripes have both yellow and red flash, with latter for the earlier marking. Light gull gray and later white markings are also included. There is virtually no extra carrier film visible. The decal opacity is very good. Lettering is exceptionally crisp everywhere. Furball states on the product website that while the decals are sized for the excellent Zoukei-Mura F-4J, the decals should also work well on the Academy and Hasegawa kits.
I highly recommend these decals. I am anxious to get these on the gloss black surface of Vandy 1. All the reference images I was able to find confirm the markings. The only caution and concern I have are that the white stencils are nearly invisible on the carrier sheet. Images on the product website show a darker-blue carrier sheet that highlights the decals well. The decals are clearly numbered, but I suggest taking the time to carefully cut out each group, without damaging decals. I tried a variety of different light types, angles, and colors, but none were particularly better than the others. Find the right viewing angle and use a sharp knife!
Thank you again to Furball Aero-Design for providing the decal set to review, and to the IPMS Reviewer Corps for letting me review them, it is a much-appreciated privilege.

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