Bf-109F-4 Self Adhesive Detail Set

Published on
June 13, 2013
Review Author(s)
Product / Stock #
Base Kit
Zvezda 1/48 Bf-109F-4
Company: Eduard - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Eduard - Website: Visit Site
Parts Package

It is no secret that I love the Zvezda Bf-109Fs. They are remarkably well-engineered kits and the most accurate Fs on the market. There are only two pieces of aftermarket that I use for them, Vector’s correction set and the Eduard Zoom set.

This Eduard Zoom set includes a single fret of self-adhesive pre-painted photo etch. The components are all for the cockpit area. The amount of detail that Eduard puts into the instrument panels and placards is amazing, far superior to anything I can do with a paint brush. A clear acetate piece is included that has the gunsight reflectors on it.

The instructions are straightforward and easy to understand.

All is not perfect with the Zvezda kit, such as the instrument panel. It could be better. It has just the relief of the instruments with no detail inside them. Utilizing the kit instrument panel, I sanded down a little bit the mounts for the sandwich panel. The self-adhesive is very helpful here. I used a little super glue to ensure it stayed together. Once the panel is together, a drop of Krystal Kleer is added to the instrument openings. Assembly is pretty straightforward with one exception. The instrument panel upper portion needs to be cut apart where the gunsight fits. If you don’t do that, there will be an issue fitting the gunsight and the canopy. Simply slice the area where the mount goes and add the pieces from the sides AFTER you mount the gunsight. One other thing that will need to be done – slightly enlarge the place where the instrument panel mounts to the side walls.

The shoulder harness is set up for a later style of mount typical of the Gustav. There are actually two types of strap setups for the two styles of seats. You can make these shoulder harnesses work either way, depending on how you mount it. I’ve done it both ways and it works fine either way.

The rest of the cockpit detail is easy enough to add or not. Some things you can decide what to add. I used the entire set with the exception of the map case. I was happy enough with the kit offering.

Eduard’s Zoom sets are designed to add just a small amount of detail for a good price. I can say without a doubt that this set is worth every penny for the Zvezda kit. The instrument panel is an absolutely perfect addition. The other parts are quite nice as well, adding detail and stencils where needed. I think the end results speak for themselves. I’ll be using this set in my future builds. Vector’s correction set and this set are all that are needed to take your 109F to the next level.

Highly recommended

Thanks to Eduard and IPMS/USA for the review copy.

Reviewer Bio

Floyd S. Werner Jr.

Building models since the age of 7, I’ve become known for my Bf-109s and helicopters. I currently run Werner’s Wings. I was previously the ‘star’ of the Master Class Model Building Video series. I’ve been published numerous times on various website, including Hyperscale and ARC. My work has been in FSM and Great Scale Modeling 2001, as well as, numerous other model magazines. I’m a published author with my Squadron/Signal Walkaround book on the Kiowa Warrior. My models have continuously won many regional and national awards. My unique model photography gives my models instant recognition for their historical perspective.

I’m a retired from the Army after 21 years of flying Cobras and Kiowa Warriors, including tours in Iraq, Bosnia, Korea, and Germany. I’m also a retired Flight Officer for the Baltimore City Police and flew their helicopters chasing bad guys. I’m currently flying Cobras and Hueys with the Army Aviation Heritage Foundation.

I’ve been married to my high school sweetheart, Yvonne, for 42 years. Our daughters have blessed us with six grandchildren. My passions continue to be his family, friends, helicopters, models and airplanes, especially the Bf-109 and my beloved AH-1 Cobra. My motto has always been - MODELING IS FUN!

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