BAC Lightning Pitot Tube

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AM 32 057
Company: Master Model - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Master Model - Website: Visit Site

Another excellent turned metal (aluminum this time) pitot assembly from Master Model; IPMS USA sincerely appreciates the support of Master Model, who continue to provide first-class products to improve our kits!

Another in a long line of simple upgrades; you can see in the photos the kit item is thicker and “chunky” compared to Master Model’s replacement. You will need to remove the kit tube from the mounting boss, drill a hole, and install. It can’t be easier than that! Use superglue or epoxy to attach; the fit is perfect and doesn’t need anything else. And there is the excellent instruction sheet with actual drill dimensions and “how to put this on” for those who have never used aftermarket like this… a quality addition all around, and the cost is reasonable for the strength of the new tube.

Safety note: These things are not forgiving; please be careful handling your model once you install them, because they do stick out a way, and are (1) sharp and (2) strong. Your skin or eyes will lose, trust me. Be an informed consumer and take care. Master Model cannot be held liable for the carelessness of the few. Know this going in!

Thanks again to our friends at Master Model for this review item; I believe this pitot boom and tube to be a must-have item on my Lightning, particularly with the length of the actual thing. Plastic fails; for that reason, I have been investing in master model products since they first showed up on the scene, and am more than impressed by the excellent work and finish. Acquire!



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