B5N1 Kate Exhaust
Upfront, I want to thank Aires and Quickboost for providing these fine aftermarket bits for our beloved models, and to the IPMS USA a big thank you for allowing me to review this Quickboost product.
Admittedly I have a few passions in modeling and the past few years I’ve focused on Japanese subjects and recently I added the Airfix B5N1 Kate to my stash. Seeing the Quickboost exhaust resin for review, I snagged the exhaust parts up before even looking at the kit plastic parts. In all honesty, the original parts look pretty good but I believe you will see how much improved the Quickboost resin is compared to the kit plastic. To my eye the nicely faired exhaust exit, not to mention the hollow exhaust is certainly worth the minimal cost for this accessory.
Like other Quickboost parts I’ve used in the past, the Kate exhaust parts are very well detailed, free of air bubbles, and minimal effort is required to remove the parts from the pour stubs. I believe I have about ten minutes invested in the parts cleanup. First I broke off the sides of the pour stub used to protect the parts during shipment. One side at a time, I carefully razor-sawed the exhaust collector rings away from the pour stubs. Then using a new and sharp #11 blade the flashing was scored, removed, and the edges sanded to reveal a nice finished resin part.
All that is left to do is prime, paint and attach. And again, being resin, they will need to be glued using something other than modeling cement. PVA glue, epoxy, or super glue should easily do the trick.
Highly recommended!

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