Acrylic Filters
This is a review of four of the new Acrylic Filters from AMMO by MIG Jimenez.
- A.MIG-0802 Night Black 15ml
- A.MIG-0816 Sand 15ml
- A.MIG-0821 Sand Grey 15ml
- A.MIG-0828 Rust 15ml
These filters are produced using a innovative formulation, the Acrylic Filters can be reworked or eliminated simply and easily with water during the extended dry time, each filter will dry completely in 24 hours. The filters can also be applied by airbrush. The range consists of 30 colors currently. The filters can even be mixed with each another or tinted with other AMMO acrylics. The acrylic filters can be diluted and cleaned with water.
I used all the filters on some finished and in-build kits and the effects and application were awesome. The effect once applied is subtle and is very easy to use. I can see me getting a lot more of these.
In Picture 1, you can see the sand (0816) applied to the right side of the gun and some Night Black on the left (0802).
In Picture 2, I used the Sand Grey (0828) on the left engine vent.
Picture 3 shows the use of Rust (0821) on the muffler pipes.
Picture 4 show the Night Black (0802) on the right-side vent, and Sand (0816) for dust in the recesses.
I can see many uses for these and are a great addition to the weathering toolbox.
I would highly recommend these filters. I was skeptical about them before I tried them, but have found them an awesome addition to my toolbox and will use them more to great affect.
Thanks go to Ammo by MIG Jimenez for providing this kit to review and IPMS USA for allowing me to review it for them.
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