AC-47 Gunship Exterior Photoetch

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Base Kit
Company: Eduard - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Eduard - Website: Visit Site

The Product

I love brass, it complements plastic models so well that I use it on almost all my builds. This set covers several deficiencies specific to the Gunship version found in the old but excellent Monogram/Revell AC-47 plus minor generic items. Set includes upgrades for; the tailwheel bay, window vents for the mini-guns, gas-caps, main landing bulkheads and access panels, engine ignition harness, oil cooler screens, prop governors, exhaust pipe embellishments, brake lines, new main landing gear cross braces, tail cap off plate, several smaller panels, lots of antennas and a very cool boarding ladder.

The Build

This is a great set and some minor plastic modifications were needed but nothing major. The set is so easy to use the hardest part of the process was removing the pieces from the fret. Everything besides the landing gear cross braces and boarding ladder were as simple as scrape off the old and glue on the new. The landing gear cross braces were the trickiest item and it wasn’t that bad.

The Bottom Line

I highly recommend this set to all and would rate this set a 9 outta 10 on the Greg-o-meter. I would like to thank Eduard and IPMS for the opportunity to present the fine offering.

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